A ballade of one hour in the heart of the countryside


Share with us our passion for the 'Chemin de Fer' of the Yonne – the old railway of the Yonne. Come and trace part of the ancient route that runs for a 5 km round trip and takes about one hour to complete. The old railway travelled through part of the Valley of the Serein and the towns of Chablis, Noyers, Massangis and the Isle sur Serein carrying stone from the local quarry and also wine and wood en route to Migennes. Todays railway has been re developed over the past 20 years for the pleasure of everyone to enjoy and the work still continues. We hope you will come and join us on a voyage of discovery.


Reconstructed by a team of enthusiasts, in 60 cm distance, P' tit Train has the charm of the ancient toys which will enrapture small and big.


 In the course of a splendid trip of one hour, you will discover the beauty of the landscapes of Burgundy and the brushwood of the gentle valley of Serein. Finally back in railway station of Massangis, you will be able the time of a pause, to admire our small rail museum. Then quickly come, we wait for you …


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